
Showing posts from January, 2018

Week 2 - New Rules of Marketing

Traditional Marketing versus Online Marketing In the introduction of the book The New Rules of Marketing & PR , it mentions the presidential election for 2016. Hilary Clinton and Jeb Bush used some of the traditional marketing avenues while running for office. Yet Donald Trump emerged into online marketing by using Twitter and as we know became the 45th President of the United States. Thus perhaps traditional ways are not as effective in today's online world. Traditional Marketing started before the internet was a major aspect of marketing. It focused on TV, newspapers, magazines, radio and direct mail ads. It was a priority to interrupt a consumer and get them interested in whatever product or service the company was offering. Creativity was deemed the most important aspect. Also, public relations worked with the media and finding ways to get reporters and editors to write about their company. Well, in today's world, the internet is the key to marketing. N

Week 2 - Surfing the Tsunami

Artificial Intelligence If you are anything like me when you hear the words artificial intelligence you immediately think of science fiction or The Terminator. But with the help of the book Surfing the Tsunami- An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Options for Responding , I have just begun to learn more about it. The fact is that artificial intelligence is not mere science fiction and it is already impacting us. Some highlights from the first chapter of this book are that artificial intelligence is allowing automation of tasks and processes more and more. Artificial intelligence is also giving rise to autonomy that is constantly victorious over statements such as 'only humans could do that.' Adaptability The biggest take away for me from the first chapter of this book is adaptability. If I wish to succeed, I have to be able to evolve. I no longer can think of artificial intelligence as science fiction. For me to be able to do this, I need to invest t

Week 1 - Blog Sample

Week 1 - Blog Sample My name is Maggie Bossingham and I am a student at Benedictine University. This spring semester is my first semester at Benedictine University. I have previously attended community college and have attended nursing school at Lewis University. However after one semester of nursing school, I realized it was not the path I wanted to go. Thus, I am at Benedictine University seeking a bachelor's degree in Human Resource Management. I chose human resources because I believe it is a role in business that has the capacity to help people, which coincides with why I previously thought I wanted to be a nurse. I am very excited about moving on from prerequisite classes and learning more applicable studies. This class specifically I am excited for, although I think it will challenge me as I am not very tech savvy. But that is something I am hopeful this class will help me with as it is important in today's culture.