Week 1 - Blog Sample

Week 1 - Blog Sample

My name is Maggie Bossingham and I am a student at Benedictine University. This spring semester is my first semester at Benedictine University. I have previously attended community college and have attended nursing school at Lewis University. However after one semester of nursing school, I realized it was not the path I wanted to go. Thus, I am at Benedictine University seeking a bachelor's degree in Human Resource Management. I chose human resources because I believe it is a role in business that has the capacity to help people, which coincides with why I previously thought I wanted to be a nurse.

Image result for human resources

I am very excited about moving on from prerequisite classes and learning more applicable studies. This class specifically I am excited for, although I think it will challenge me as I am not very tech savvy. But that is something I am hopeful this class will help me with as it is important in today's culture.


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