Week 7 - New Rules of Marketing & PR

Buyer Personas and Planning

In the book The New Rules of Marketing & PR buyer personas are addressed. On page 162 it states "successful online marketing and PR efforts work because they start by identifying one or more buyer personas to target, so you need to make buyer personas a part of your planning process." Buyer personas are crucial to being able to understand your buyers and customers. Understanding them through research and profiling can then lead to great success and profit. The book has a great template for how to plan to reach the personas a company has profiled.

The template is a great asset to a company to help them market to their buyers, but not just any buyers, buyers that you understand and know. Thus, leading those buyers to take action and helping your company reach its goals in the meantime. Generic online marketing is no longer fruitful, but a targeted strategy yields an abundance of benefits. It is also important to note that usually it is not just one persona for a company. Different buyers are seeking out a company or product for different reasons so more than one buyer persona will be vital.


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