Week 10 - New Rules of Marketing & PR

An Image is Worth a Thousand Words

Although this saying is by no mean new, using images in today's marketing is new and truthfully worth a thousand words. The New Rules of Marketing & PR chapter 16 is titled 'an image is worth a thousand words'. The chapter addresses that real pictures of your company's products, services, or employees are more effective than fake photos. It also states to not be afraid to use this theory in social networking like on Instagram, Pinterest, SlideShare, etc.

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Throughout the book, the idea of understanding your consumers is reiterated over and over. And of course, there is no difference here. In order for an image to be worth anything, you must know and understand who is looking at it. If a consumer is considering doing business with you, the image they see should have some value to them.

Videos Made Easy

Chapter 17 of the New Rules book discusses videos. Obviously, videos are more involved than photographs but still similar. You want to understand your consumers and target them specifically in the video. With a valuable and enriching video, a targeted audience will be more likely to do business with you. Plus, videos are becoming more casual and informal which takes some of the pressures off. You can simply shoot the video from your phone or even use Facebook Live for your video. The idea is to successful target and engage your consumers, not to create an academy award worthy video.

Image result for videos in marketing


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