Week 7 - AI's Impact on Business Behavior

AI and B2B

Seeing the letters AI and B2B put together looks like a complicated acronym, but it's quite simple in its definition. AI, or artificial intelligence, as an industry is growing at a rapid pace and is predicted to be in almost every software product by 2020. B2B, or business to business, refers to business behavior which is the way one business makes a transaction with another business. Therefore with AI rapidly growing, business behavior is bound to be impacted.

Even though the definition is simple, the impact that artificial intelligence is having on Business Behavior is quite involved. An article written by Nathan Sykes on February 20, 2018 titled "4 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact the B2B Industry" states that the impact AI is likely to have on B2B will be all-encompassing. The article breaks down the four impacts as: better handling of data, enhanced customer interaction, sales channel growth and personalization, and search and tracking versatility.

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Continuing to watch the impact artificial intelligence is having on business behavior is going to be crucial for any company. Marketing strategies and many other facets of a company will need to keep up. I, for one, am excited to watch it unfold.


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