Week 8 - Faces of AI

Microsoft AI

One of the many faces of AI is Microsoft. I came to realize this after a commercial; I was watching the Olympics on live TV so for the first time in awhile I was watching commercials. A commercial came on that featured Common. At he end of the commercial, Common says, "Today, right now you have more power at your fingertips than entire generations that came before you. So here's the question, what will you do with it?" Then it's just a black screen with Microsoft AI on it. Personally, I thought it was an inspiring and well done commercial. It led me to do some research on Microsoft and what they're doing in the world of Artificial Intelligence.

Image result for microsoft AI

Microsoft's website has a lot of information on Artificial Intelligence. There is information on Microsoft's AI platforms, solutions, and recent AI news. The website also talks about how Microsoft products and services already contain AI, like Cortana which is Microsoft's version of Alexa or Siri. Microsoft even offers an AI school to help people learn for the first time about AI or help develop existing knowledge of AI. 


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