Week 9 - Marketing channels and AI

Marketing Channels and AI

According to an article on Business News Daily many retail companies are deciding to use artificial intelligence to help expand their marketing. Many retailers seem to be turning toward artificial intelligence in order to better understand their customers and be able to provide a better personalized experience for their customers.

Sales Force states that "trying to optimize communications with an ever-growing customer base, across rapidly proliferating channels and touch points, you need all the help you can get. And increasingly for marketers, that help isn’t human. When it comes to delivering the right message, on the right channel, at the right time, 61% of marketing leaders expect AI will substantially impact their business over the next five years."

Image result for artificial intelligence asset management

Artificial Intelligence is continuing to grow towards becoming a necessary asset for companies. Not only with the automation capabilities, but the capacity to personalize a customer's buying journey.


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