Week 3 - Artificial Intelligence

The Four A's of Artificial Intelligence


Currently artificial intelligence is making significant advances in self-driving cars. It is also making advance in drones. These are both very visual applications of artificial intelligence that many people are aware of.

Image result for self driving cars and drones


Another application of artificial intelligence that many people are aware of is voice-based digital assistants. In layman's terms, Siri, Alexa or the like. The machines behind the voice of Siri or Alexa are capable of processing voice thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Image result for voice based digital assistant


Automation is something more complex, there is physical and digital automation. Physical automation is more obvious, such as a robot being able to complete routine actions. Digital automation is inside the software that allows programs to be capable of doing routine actions as well, such as Microsoft Excel easily calculating complex problems.

Image result for robot automation


Artificial intelligence is advancing in analysis, yet has already been doing it to a degree with drones and digital assistants. For a human mind to make a decision, it requires analysis of the many different options that can be chosen from. AI is currently working on making that analysis less routine (such as only options A or B) and more complex (such as options A-Z or 1-100).

Image result for AI analysis


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