Week 4 - Surfing the Tsunami

Taking Action

In order to fully understand what is going on in the world of Artificial Intelligence, taking action is needed. We can no longer say AI is not involved in my life right now so I won't worry about it until I have to because AI is continuously progressing. At some point, AI is going to be involved in daily life and we do not want to be blind sided.

Thus some action is required in order to understand what AI is about and what is happening. That action simply comes down to research. The book Surfing the Tsunami: An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Options for Responding states "I recommend digging. Sometimes when you dig into data, you can find treasure."

Image result for treasure digging

Cartoon image aside, digging into data is a major aspect of research. With all the information on the internet, there can be false data, biases, and opinions that cloud the truth. And of course, that applies to research on Artificial Intelligence too. People can have very different perspectives on AI so when researching, try to keep that in mind and search for accurate information.

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Taking action and researching important topics does not only apply to artificial intelligence. It applies to all areas of life because in order to become better at anything we need information, whether that is gained from the internet, another person's experience, or practice. 


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