Week 5 - Marketing Environment

Marketing Environment

Internal and External Environments

Internal environments work inside of a company. It consists of 5 M's: Men (staff), Money, Machinery, Materials, and Markets. Internal environments are easily controllable for a company. 
There is also the external environments. Broken down into two categories: Macroenvironment and Microenvironment. 

Microenvironment includes factors closer to the company that directly impact the customers, such as the suppliers, the competition, and advertising agencies.
Macroenvironment includes large and all-encompassing factors, such as culture, politics, economics, demographics, technology and the natural environment. These factors are obviously less easily controlled. (more information found on Marketing Environment YouTube video)

Marketing Fails

Often times a marketing fail can happen when a company does not fully consider or investigate the current macroenvironment. For instance, current social issues. 

Who doesn't remember the Pepsi ad with Kendall Jenner? That advertisement was a total marketing fail and Pepsi had to pull the ad and apologize. The ad, which showed Kendall Jenner offering a cop a Pepsi during some sort of protest rally, surfaced during a time where protests and rallies were happening in The United States. It seemed to make light of the real social issues going on and people were not understandably not happy with the company.

These kinds of marketing fails happen quite frequently. It usually boils down to the company not adequately being aware of what is going on in the environment surrounding their company. AdWeek posted an article of "Brand Fails" and the articles bottom line: Don't exploit people's pain for an ad. 


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