Week 5 - New Rules of Marketing & PR

Social Media

In chapter 4 of the book, The New Rules of Marketing & PR, social media and targeting your audience is discussed. The book defines social media as "the superset and how we refer to the various online media that people use to communicate online in a social way." This definition is broad, but so is social media. Social media is not just Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Although those are a part of it, social media encompasses much more. It includes other social networking sites such as LinkedIn, blogs, video and image sharing sites such as YouTube, chat rooms and message boards, review sites such as Yelp or Rotten Tomato, Wikis, and social bookmarking sites like Reddit. Seeing social media as all of these forms, helps to realize how social media use is vital for a company.

Image result for social media

Helpful Tips

This chapter is full of useful information for businesses or individuals using social media, so here are some of the tips I found most helpful:
  • Respond in a timely manner, even if it's a response to a negative comment
  • When job searching: use your social media accounts as your space to market you
  • As seen from Adagio Teas, using Twitter as a space for conversation, not a one-way infomercial, is more effective
  • Social media platforms are a great way to advertise in real-time


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