Week 6 - Blogs for Marketing & PR


Chapter 5 of the book The New Rules of Marketing & PR is solely about blogs. If you are like me, I did not read nor care much about blogs, prior to taking this marketing class. My sister even mentioned wanting to start a blog of her own, and I thought why?

The book mentions this. Many people, not just myself, feel blogs are dead, or at least useless. BUT they aren't. The author of the book even states "blogs are often misperceived by people who don't read them". That pretty much summed me up.

So how are blogs useful?

From a marketing and PR standpoint, they can be the most important tool. Blogs can easily be used to monitor what people are saying about your company or your company's products. Blogs give you an opportunity to respond and have a conversation by real-time commenting. Blogs also allow you to work with people who are blogging about you. Plus, by having your own blog, you can personally shape the conversation surrounding your business/company and your products.

I suppose then the question becomes how aren't they useful?

Image result for blogs


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