Week 6 - Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior

In order to adequately sell to consumers, companies need to know their behavior. But how does a company do that? The answer is they have to study their consumers. Either in a broad way or more targeted. Some of the ways companies do this is by using surveys, blogs, focus groups, and individual interviews. Ultimately a company needs to know how people make decisions about what they buy, want, need, or act in regards to their company, products, and/or service. 

Image result for Consumer Behavior

One of the ways to study consumer behavior is through surveys. They are a great tool in today's online and fast-paced world. Personally when I get a survey in the mail, it immediately goes in recycling, but when I get a survey online, I am more prone to fill it out. SurveyMonkey is a site dedicated to creating surveys, and it's pretty darn easy to use. The tag line on the website says "We get answers for 16 million questions daily. Get the feedback you need with the world's leading survey software." And that is the truth--the feedback you need. Surveys are a great and simple way to get feedback for consumers' behavior. 


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